RoomScan Classic
More than two million people have created a floor plan with RoomScan Pro since it launched in 2012. Now known as RoomScan Classic, it is still fully supported.
New customers please use RoomScan Pro LiDAR, which includes the magical Touching Walls method of scanning from RoomScan Classic.
Capture more than floor plans
Ideal for property condition reports, take a photo with RoomScan Classic and its location is stored on the floor plan — you can even dictate notes onto the photo.
Go outside
the box
Scan building exteriors, yards and gardens too, with the ExteriorScan & PlotScan features. And annotate your plans with Apple® Pencil.
Is it a floor plan or is it a photo?
Create a FLYPLAN® and a 3D model of the property and show it to clients as a scale model on their desktop.
See the RoomScan Exports page for more information about export formats including PDF, PNG, DXF for CAD, IFC for BIM & Autodesk, XML, Sweet Home 3D, RapidSketch and more.